Review Policies

All opinions and thoughts in reviews posted on YA Fanatic are our own. We are not paid for writing positive reviews

All books reviewed on YA Fanatic are either bought, received from writers or publisher via NetGalley, Edelweiss or won.

Our rating system goes from 1 star to 5 stars according to Goodreads rating system. We deserve the rights not to rate a book and we usually find another way to express out thoughts. Our reviews occasionally feature a .gif or two, mostly when the book renders us speechless.

Our reviews will be posted on YA Fanatic, Goodreads, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Tumblr and Booklikes.

At times we do accept books for review from authors and publishers. Since we're both busy we try to take less requests so we can catch up with our TBR pile.

If you have a review request or any other questions, please contact us. We'll get to you as soon as possible.



  1. I'm Carmen Stefanescu from:
    I signed to follow your blog. I'd be glad if you could honor mine, too.
    I live in Romania, better known as Dracula's country. I am a teacher of English and German in my own town and country.
    Best regards!

  2. Heads up. Your e-mail doesn't work. is it perhaps ?
